
Hello there!
I am Harikrishna

A passionate full stack web developer



About Myself

I am a self taught web developer and python programmer. I seek challenging opportunities where I can fully use my skills for the success of the organisation


Areas of interest

Full stack MERN web development and Python programming


Dev Stack

ReactJs, ExpressJs, MongoDb, NodeJs, Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Firebase, Heroku, Netlify



VS Code, Git, GitHub, Postman



Cricket, Swimming and coding

Open Source Contributions


Npm package that renders multiple CSS loaders for Reaactjs. This package contains multiple ready to use loaders that the users can import to their project as a component.


npm package that converts speech to text for reactjs.


Covid-19 Tracker

Live worldwide covid-19 Tracker that displays statistical data on the number of active and overall covid cases.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), MUI(React UI library), ChartJs(JavaScript data visualization library), Disease.sh (Disease Data API)


Connect with friends around the world using OctoVerse. Share your thoughts as a post or a message and follow your friends to see what they are up to. Octoverse is a social media application built using ReactJs, NodeJs and backed by mongodb

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), MUI(React UI library), TailwindCss(CSS framework), firebase (Authentication and Authorization), react-redux (state management), uuid (id generator) and dicebear avatars(avatar generator)


OctoChat users communicate via text messaging and images as part of communities called "streams" or under a specific channel under a stream.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), MUI(React UI library), TailwindCss(CSS framework), firebase (Authentication and Authorization), ExpressJs(back end), react-redux (state management), uuid (id generator) and dicebear avatars(avatar generator)


RoboDash is a Match three puzzle game in which the user can compete with other users to make it to the leaderboards. Built using ReactJs, ExpressJs and backed by MongoDb.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), ExpressJs(back end), Auth0(Authentication and Authorization platform), MongoDb (Database)


GoSearch is a search Engine that scrapes google search results.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), ExpressJs(back end), Tailwind CSS


ChatRoom is a realtime room code based chat appliaction using web sockets in which the user can chat with one or multiple users at a time.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), ExpressJs(back end), SocketIo and Auth0(Authentication and Authorization platform)


Quizoid is a Online gamified quiz application to improve knowledge with a gamified and fun experience. The user can choose a quiz from sixteen categories and compete with other users to make it to the leaderboard.

Built Using : ReactJs(Front end), FireBase (authentication and backend), ExpressJs(Server side), OpenTriviaDb (Quiz API)